They're Creepy and they're Kooky, Mysterious and Spooky, they're all together Oooky. "The Adams Familly"!


Saturday, February 27, 2010

Coles Chin

I wanted to put a post about my Coler Molers chin. About a month ago Cole to show his Grandpa Mitch how he he can ride a snowmobile by himself so being an Adams Boy he got really excite and wanted to show off. It was dark outside Eric had just told him to slow down he was going way to fast. He turned a corner and because he was going way to fast he ran into a steel pole in Erics shed. Now let me paint a picture for you. My brother Arden and his wife were over to our house for dinner and I was going to cut him some vinyl for his new clock. Cole was not wearing a helmet :-( so the impact flew him forward and he hit his chin on a sharp corner of the windshield. Well I was inside and I heard a blood curdling scream from the back of the yard and gradually getting louder and louder he came through the door with his hands over his Chin and blood coming through his fingers. My nephew scooped him up and brought him to the kitchen sink where we decided YES! he definitely needs stitches. So Eric and I were off to the Emergency room with a very frightened little boy. On the way he caught us off guard and asked his Dad if he would please give him a blessing. We were so proud of him for asking and told him that we couldn't while he was driving but I told him I would say a prayer with him and that Heavenly Father new that this was a way that mommies can give kind of blessing to her kids so he was ok with that. Well he did really well (not to mention that his dad told him that if he was good and brave he would give him $30) he came out with 4 stitches.
next day we started to notice that his Smile was crooked and was now at a slant. I took him to the Doctor and he told me that it was infected possible abscessed and that he needed to be on an antibiotic and that his skin was being pulled because of the infection and that his smile would go back to normal. So when I got home Eric pulled up a corner of a scab and White puss just came pouring out and when it was done draining it left a little hole in the sore where the infection was.
After 10 days when the antibiotic was gone I took him back to the same doctor because his smile was still crooked. The doctor told me it was because it was still crooked and once again put him on another antibiotic (might I mention here that I really hate doctors like this that don't want to really find out the problem and think that antibiotics will cure everything). We went to the Cabin that weekend and when we got home we realized that we left his medicine up there. So I took him to a different Doctor plus Erics dad was really adamant that Cole needed to see a Plastic Surgeon and that there was something wrong with his Nerves. Right when the doctor saw him he said right away that we needed to take him to plastic surgeon he thought that there was nerve damage and it was not infected. He said he might grow out of it but to have him evaluated and for nothing else a peace of mind and that we did all that we could to try to fix it.
So we now have an appt with a Plastic Surgeon at Primary Children's Hospital on March 31. I am really anxious about going and think that it is forever away but I guess that is what Mom's do.
I am sorry this is so long But I wanted to right about to let everyone aware.

The Burger King Trip

Well here I am sitting at Burger King why the kids are running around ragged and I am using the free WiFi so I decided to take advantage and do a post. Well I have already been crying My darn sis CC put a comment on my blog and got me bawling but I guess it is paybacks! I had her crying last night reading a blog about a baby that Died of heart disease at 10 mos. her mom blogged every step of her short little life and it is heart wrenching.
Well Kids and I are enjoying a Saturday together with a rip roaring cleaning party at the house this morning then a gourmet lunch at Burger Kings and than a day on the town to Wal-Mart. Than I might go home and really test my skills and do my nails. Than finish my mountain of Laundry.

Friday, February 26, 2010


Look at me go I am expanding more and more in the Blogging world. One step at a time just like that great astronaut said once upon a time. Well I should be doing month end stuff so I can go home. So everyone take care and have a great weekend!


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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Just for my CC dear

Let me tell you about a great sis (in-law) I have. First of all I couldn't have a better little sister than her. She is always there when I need someone to complain or just to talk to or a shoulder to cry on. Or when I need someone to cheer me up she is georgous and Fun. Even though she is younger than I am I use her as an example of how I want to be as a Mother, Wife, and sister. I truly lover her and her cute little family with all my heart. I love you CC! Thank you for your blogs they want me to better myself and my life.